Fee Structure Download Click Here


Fee (meaning) : a payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services.

Fees are collected for sustainability, growth , development and various other reliable factors related to institution.The fees are collected annually and in terms in order to avoid liability for  parents. Fee(s) are divided in to various parts are being used for certain specific areas of interest.The following are the details ;

1.EXAM FEE ; Exam fees are the one used specifically for all examinations related to the students which includes, question paper preparations, print outs etc.,

2.TUITION FEE ; Usually and thoroughly used for the salary payment of staff(s).,

3.SPECIAL FEE ; Special fees are being collected which includes a number of factors and covers wide area such as Establishment , Games, Medical, Festival, Welfare, Caution Deposit, ID card, Instrument, Convocation, Library and Smart Class informatively in compliance with specific classes.The special fee sub divisions in common are mentioned and only applicable fees will be collected accordingly.

4.PTA ; Collected for the fund to be maintained by PTA for social and in house service for the concerned.